Monday, July 3, 2023

General Update Time Again!

Alright everyone- things are progressing fairly quickly here, so as people back in the states grab up their hot dogs and sparklers I figured now is a good time for a new work update!

All of the fifteen edited works I plan to release this year (originally ten- I'm a workaholic and outpaced myself as usual)- have now been completed, save for two titles for which I have not yet worked through a second time just to remove any bad formatting or grammar mistakes I missed on the first go-around. The works will be illustrated, as usual, by Raven Feather Illustrations- and so their release is contingent upon the illustrators' pacing.

I am also writing several other works- now halfway done with "Orange Man Big" volume II, and a couple of other top secret political tracts in various stages of completion.

As the capstone for 2023 I have chosen to entirely re-edit "Fruits of Eden, Herbalism and the Occult" which was my first significant literary effort, but needs to be entirely reformatted, re-edited, and expanded. I have a list of about thirty new botanical species I intend to include, based largely on my research in editing herbal works, and intend as well a new short section dealing with some interesting edible species that most people do not know are edible- for example, hollyhocks (yes, surprisingly the entire plant is edible, and was used in a lot of Victorian salads as a garnish), purslane (an innocuous little cruciferous weed) and others.

This will probably complete literary work for the year, barring new ideas that randomly pop into my head especially with regards to topics related to any forthcoming culture wars that may erupt.


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