Thursday, May 16, 2024

General Update Time Again!

As many of you know, I have pledged never to end the process of editing old occult, paranormal, and historical works. This is part of a greater, very long term project designed to release material to the world in a modern format at a reasonable price, in order to expand the knowledge of the populous.

But I have been absent for months! A few snags hit my work recently; most important of which was due to my own stupidity- I accidentally forgot to back up some of my more recent edited works and lost several volumes which had been completed and were pending illustration.


Not to worry though! Five works were successfully backed up on removable storage and are still pending the same, and I have just finished editing a (very good) work which uses both ancient Egyptian and Biblical sources to encourage readers to largely abstain from using salt in their food for both spiritual and medical reasons. I have a pair of works now to edit on the topic of sex worship, phallicism, and gendered symbolism within a historical and spiritual context. Many other works await, and the first editions should begin trickling out some time in July. I have planned for ten releases this year, and ten the next, and thus will slow down my releases, so as not to overwhelm my audience.

This is of course in addition to a number of works I wish to author- some political, some humorous, some occult, and the reworking of "Fruits of Eden" which I still consider my most ample contribution to date.



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  3. Trump went to the Libertarian convention because he intends to legalize drugs. There is a certain agency.....

    A Black Trump supporter at the May 23, 2024 Bronx rally called for an end to Systemic Racism. The video and a very short history of Systemic Racism at ==>
    Blacks Are Victims of Lawfare
