Friday, January 20, 2017

Magic And Witchcraft: Now Available!


This fine work is the culmination of a great deal of study by John Taylor in the middle of the 19th century. As with many works from the period, it both lambastes prior christian populations for their superstition while exonerating them partly on the basis that their interpretation of christian dogma was, first, misled by the authorities of their age and, second, that this was partly the fault of primordial pagan influence and the working of sorcery in late antiquity.

Its primary content is related to the burning times, both with regards to conceptions of Satan and of witches and witchcraft in general, but it also manages to provide a few older examples including the rites of the snake cults of the near east and the topic of the infamous shape-shifting Lamia. It blames King James and his "Daemonologie" and the Malleus Maleficarum for many tens of thousands of deaths.

77 pages.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The Process Begins on Improving the KDP Titles

This morning I finished "Magic and Witchcraft" and it is processing, but I figured I'd do a bit more and moved all five herbal titles to KDP (for ebook sales)- as always I don't really care much about ebooks because I prefer physical copies, but people keep asking me for digital versions of my releases so I figure I might as well have a full ebook catalog too.

Which brings me to the happy news of the day; I am fully aware that a few of the titles I have aren't properly processed there for sale as ebooks; when I released the first slew of digital releases I relied on Createspace to properly convert existing files and, of course, was let down; CS is great for paperbacks but has severe issues when it comes to processing uploaded files for release as ebooks; several titles were nothing more than the cover and one page of text, or four pages of badly formatted and massively cropped illustrations. I have to go back through and manually re-upload pdfs of each title to make sure they're all in proper working order since CS can't apparently handle it on their end; that means weeks more effort. I manually submitted the files for the five herbals so at least that category will be in proper format with no issues (I hope.) I'll get to work tomorrow with the four folk works, then after that spend a week or so on the rest and do as much as I can while also releasing the next herbal title.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Demons and Tongues: Now Available!

This booklet details the opinions of the Pillar of Fire order founded by Alma White at the dawn of the 20th century, regarding the then-growing Pentecostal movement and its belief in baptism by tongues. It additionally delves fairly deep into eugenics-era demonology and the nature of both demons and the Devil, and their constant quest to destroy the christian body in what White and others believed to be a period fairly close to the end times. It speaks about the vaguely eugenics-tinged christianity of its era and proposes that those who speak in tongues regularly are possessed not by the Holy Spirit but rather by the legions of Hell.

64 pages.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Three More Works Coming Soon

Because I felt sick (and a little under the weather even after the sickness subsided) I didn't do much for a few days there, but now I'm roaring ahead and finishing up with three entirely separate works.

First, "Weeds as Medicine" which was actually put out under US government contract back at the dawn of the 20th century. Part of it is utilitarian but it is also an interesting herbal. It's about half done save for the illustrations.

Second, "Valuable Herbal Prescriptions" which is done except for the illustrations which I have not had the gumption to render yet; it's a 50-ish page herbal medicine tract.

Third, "Demons and Tongues" which is one part early 20th century demonology, one part anti-pentecostal manifesto, and quite interesting. I am almost 3/4 done editing this work which, thankfully, has no illustrations.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Regarding A Few Anonymous Critics of my Editing

This post is partially an exercise in humor because those who have some degree of understanding of how the editing process works are already acutely aware of the work involved with releasing even already-written materials whether from an ages-old book or an ages-old book that was scanned into a pdf and then used as source material. In the last few weeks, a few (anonymous) individuals both on Youtube and elsewhere have attempted to insinuate that my releasing of edited works by other authors does not constitute work, or at least it that it doesn't constitute difficult work that, in their minds, could not be adequately done by any other average person. I doubt that these same individuals would be willing to confront me without anonymity, likely because they know that their tall tales would be mocked by even a half-assed English student.

I need to point out here first that my editions are physical softcover books and not pdf files. I have already stated that I do not personally endorse the selling of digital books and wish they were all free; I would not even sell ebooks if people hadn't constantly asked me to. Anyone claiming that I simply sell the same material "available on (insert site here)" is fooling themselves. Sure, you can read for free at the library- and that's great, but unless it's a very large library (or a specialized one) their occult section is likely limited to the Necronomicon and some Crowley works.

I have made one thing clear before; the major difference between my editions and competing editions within the same occult categories are twofold.

1. My works are edited by hand line by line. Other works are often facsimiles (exact replicas of old editions) or are slapped into a file and published without substantial editing.
2. My works are still usually the cheapest and when they aren't they're about the same price as the cheapest editions. Anyone claiming I take people for a ride hasn't done any price comparison.

Now then. Let me take you through the steps required for the three general types of work you will find on Amazon within the occult outside of modern editions:

For a facsimile, you scan the work (or obtain a scan of a work) and copy each page as an image into a word or pdf file. You then publish it. You are now essentially done with the work once the info is entered. The result will look like literal crap no matter how you accomplished this task.

For a crap edition, you use OCR on a scan or a pre-existent text file from a work and paste it into a word file. You probably make some attempt to make the format halfway decent. You then publish it. You are now essentially done with the work once the info is entered. The result will be readable but probably badly formatted and will look like it was cobbled together by a gibbon on crack cocaine.

For an edition like the ones I craft you can either take a book and start copying it line by line, correcting all mistakes, correcting for archaic language (for instance, thou to you, or chymicall to chemical) until you have replicated the entire document as though you yourself wrote it, or you can take a scanned document and basically do the same thing. Sometimes, it's possible to copy blocks of text and edit them which is a bit faster. But wait! What about documents that aren't in a proper format? Well, then you have to copy it line by line anyways just as though you were holding the book in your hand. And even if you manage to find a work in good enough condition to be copied paragraph by paragraph, this doesn't negate all errors in format, nor does it transfer some characters, nor does it necessarily mean spacing and format is proper. Regardless, you'll be fiddling with spacing, format, and grammar. Unless you have a (very) good vocabulary you're doomed (read; 95% of the population is not capable of editing 18th century old English. I'd be surprised if more than half could even read it. Don't even get me started on far older English.)

But wait, there's more! I also format the covers myself! Some sellers slap a scanned image of the cover of the original copy onto a pdf and upload it- which is funny since this often leads to people thinking that a softcover book is actually leather bound or in a cloth wrap. I don't have that problem. I also illustrate internally when necessary. Of all the things I do involved with editing this is probably the only point I concede to my critics; my artistic capabilities are limited.

There's also more though! A lot of book sellers on Amazon aren't single individuals, they're publishing houses or groups of individuals that do this for a living. Considering my own income selling copies at often substantially lower prices (and thus a lower level of income per copy sold) I estimate that some of the larger firms dealing solely in facsimiles make five figures a month easily. I am effectively competing not with individuals so much as corporate firms most of the time.

"But aha Tarl" some may say. "OCR is your friend, you must chuckle as you greedily rub your hands together using it and pretending this is work."

"Not remotely." I reply, waving my hands forth to reveal a crumpled document. "Take a look at this following picture from the Canadian Herbal. We'll OCR it and see what gets spit out."

And now the OCR result:

"around his nock. Previous to hia going over lb)^~,
baih, he should take one or two doses of the com*,.
pcsition tea, with the addition of cither No. 2, or 6,
p> both of them. While steaming in all cases the
interi„i jj^^f p^^j, j,(, higher than the external, by
repeating ,i,g above named doses—this prevenn
faintness, anu
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easy to ihe paliei.-, ghould fuintness lake place n^
any lime while undex ^ „ ,jo„ ^f ,i,e steam,
after giving a s»ffi<='«"<5\--.ity of hot medicine,
the external heat mus be let W,.,
t, „ajhi„, A.
patient's face with a Imle cold ''"*W "^uJ,S»
be ineffectual, apply a little to the •«n>'^«!^X
faintness will subside. The patient may eo«!.t«8
ove the steam from fifteen to thirty ">'""'«•.
the case may require. The steam may be wse^
or letdown at pleasure, by immersing small ho
stoneslnThe wat^er over ^hich the patent .s placed i
the Water should first be made
^}^'"eJ^°Xf^ 'H
steam raised high enough to bnng on a free pet
sp" ration with the help ol the h°'X '^"*'
Vo high-as to burn the patient. When done st^w
W, the patient should be light.y «'»«h<«» «» ^^
cii spirits, vinegar, or cold '^=''«;^j'^^' ,^^'''jR
pores of the skin, prevents the d»ngf °f "^^8 "^
and refreshes the patient very much. W W«u
above named hot medicines '=«»»°' ''«
may be substituted in their places, soch W m
pepper, summer savory, and 'ne."''.^:^„ -> ;, u_
The wav a steaming stone js preparea,_^f,j^^
heiti'ng rJtone in the fi^re till.near.y o^ jn>.'« -
hot; then immerse the stone m <=oW. "^"''WU^
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(but folds of linen ciotu, ^Vt<"'it^-- - :-_ q^ .wj
and one fold of a dry flannel cloi)x,|i«,r»p^?«JKW"

The fact that a great many pages in a great many scanned manuscripts are in this condition or nearly so entirely negates the usefulness of optical character recognition. Indeed, it's faster for me to type such a page from scratch than to correct all the errors. If I were less scrupulous I'd take that image along with images of the other pages, slap them into a word file, and be done in an hour with the entire document along with a title page and a cheaply made nearly blank cover.

It also bears note that I am not just an editor- I'm also an author. I've written a number of works myself.

To make a long story short, anyone claiming they can do what I am doing is, statistically speaking, probably lying, and if they are capable of doing so, and have done so, chances are they aren't the ones pretending the process of editing pre-20th century occult works is so easy a simpleton could accomplish the task. Unfortunately it is very unlikely that my critics will read this; odds are they're just frustrated at my political or spiritual views and seeking to shill, or that they're illiterate.

Monday, January 2, 2017

The Canadian Herbal: Now Available!

I am very excited by this work; not only because of its region of manufacture but because it is the perfect combination of a receipt book and herbal; two types of texts of great interest to me.

Containing simple herbal remedies for dozens of conditions, it also briefly lists a few dozen botanical species of note that grow within what was once the British dominion of Canada. Added to this is a sort of short philosophical entry on the basic premise of disease.

60 pages.