Tuesday, June 29, 2021

True, Semi, and Pseudo-Occultism: Now Available!

This little work is another lecture by Annie Besant, a rather good one, describing some of the forms of occult practice and whether they are good, potentially good or bad, or strictly negative. Into the first category of course goes Theosophical practices. Yogic practice is in the second, since the mindfulness it imparts can be used by charlatans. The third group includes selfish use of magic, and similar things. Tarot, palmistry, etc, are explicitly disavowed.

31 pages.

Monday, June 28, 2021

Medical Fashions of the Nineteenth Century: Now Available!

This little text is an interesting look at both superstition and science, both orthodox and unorthodox medical practice, as analyzed at the end of the 19th century. Skepticism of germ theory mixes with very valid criticism of the over-prescription of anesthetics. The miasmatic theory clings on even as sanitation takes hold. Perhaps out current era, with its own debate and medical meanderings, is less separate from talismans, leeches, and the four humors, than we might wish to think.

50 pages.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

The Principles of Occult Healing: Now Available!

This work was compiled by multiple Theosophists and ruminates on the general idea of healing with methods outside of the generally orthodox such as pills and so forth. "Drugless healing" is discussed at length- that is, the use of mesmerism, etc, as pain relief, or of using autosuggestion. Indeed, some of the methods here for the purposes of psychological disturbance are still employed- such as the use of certain music to create relaxation, stress reduction being important in a medicinal context.

102 pages.

Vegetarianism in the Light of Theosophy: Now Available!

This very short text is a transcription of one of Annie Besants' lectures, specifically focused on the ethical and spiritual component of the concept of vegetarianism- a dietary path promoted by Theosophy. A large part of it describes the lurid details of slaughterhouses in Chicago as a general example and derides the eating of meat as causing karmic issues.

30 pages.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

The Old Root and Herb Doctor: Now Available!

This fine little work is rather unique as far as 19th century herbals go; it contains the normal materia medica and preparations for various ailments, but also includes a short section on the caloric nutritional value of certain common foodstuffs, even including the digestion time of the same. In another odd inclusion, it compiles a list of commonly encountered poisons and their antidotes- normally warm water for vomiting, a stomach pump, and various counteracting agents. That section is almost surely geared mainly towards parents of small children.

While the work was, by and large, well made, it included numerous typographical mistakes which I had to correct, and its non-alphabetical content at the end indicates to me that it was either hastily edited or not edited at all prior to being printed.

It should be noted that the work contains contemporary Euro-American Thompsonian simples and has nothing to do with "Natives." This was a marketing gimmick.

73 pages.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Slacks Herbal: Now Available!

This work is one of the foremost herbals of the mid 19th century Thompsonian period. Containing a series of ailments, specific recipes for everything from pills and powders to tinctures and injections, and a lengthy materia medica, Slacks Herbal is considerably longer and more dense than most comparably styled works of the era.

It is worth noting that since this work is from the Thompsonian school, it predominantly fixates on a few herbal simples; more than half of the recipes here contain at least one of the following cure-alls: Lobelia, cayenne pepper, agrimony, comfrey, or chamomile.

130 pages.

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Prayer and the Healing of Disease: Now Available!

This little manuscript was crafted against the backdrop of an era in which rationalism, spiritism, orthodox religion, and zealous fire-and-brimstone Christendom were all holding a decades-long pitched battle, replete with oratory, debates, protests and counter-protests. This specific little booklet expresses the view, in large part, that faith healing tends to be a charlatan endeavor, which robs "genuine" religion by using the title "Christian." A multitude of anecdotes and stories are told here, especially involving people who died because they refused "natural" medicine- using scripture to evince the opinion that this is neither necessary nor proper.

32 pages.