Sunday, May 28, 2023

The Gun Rights Debate; How To Win It: Now Available!


This is another political booklet that I have created for the purposes of helping my fellow militia in debating against those who seek to undermine our lawful rights. I have covered the topic from the perspective of pointing out weak and strong arguments in favor of the expansive ownership of private arms (as well as a few attendant subtopics such as castle doctrine, etc), and attempted to cast the net broadly; I see many well meaning proponents of the defense of the true meaning of the second amendment, who nonetheless make weak, potentially false, or pointless statements in debating the general issue- although as the reader will see, there are sometimes much stronger arguments to be made with regards to the same concepts; for example, the existence of the Puckle Gun is meaningless in a debate over semi-automatic weapons, but it is a good argument for the founders understanding that weapons technology would advance over time, and they omit any mention of finding this dangerous or problematic.

It is split into 24 sections, each briefly detailing one of the arguments or counter-arguments thus made and has been kept terse in order to serve as an easily digested debate companion.

48 pages.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

A Big Literary Update!

I am pleased to announce that as of this morning, I have completed the first proofreading and editing of the tenth and final edited work I intended to release this year- and we're not even halfway through the year! This tenth work, "Hints from the Hornograph" is possibly the strangest work I have ever edited, and the format so bizarre that I had to lift several pages verbatim from the work itself just to retain all the original intent of the material.

The next step is to write each foreword for the works, summarizing them and giving context, then the second edit just to clear up any spelling mistakes or formatting issues I missed on the first go-through. Then once my illustrator creates the illustrations for each work, cover art is made and the work released. I anticipate this process will be complete by September.

In the meantime I have decided to edit five more editions before the year ends, as well as writing several works: "Timmy Story", which is a novella roughly made to eventually be turned into a low budget muppet-style movie- a thing I have dabbled with for years, as well as "Nutty Norman"- a collection of short works in which a very troubled adolescent with enormous behavioral issues continuously goes insane and does terrible things. I also plan a second volume of "Orange Man Big!" since the first one sold more than a thousand copies just in its first week.

Currently, apart from finalizing the edited works, I am focusing on a short political work on gun rights, attempting to help those which support the militia to make more effective and accurate arguments in favor of the same, while rebuffing some of the main talking points of those who dislike the idea of an armed populous, self defense, etc.

As you can see, I am no slouch. Onward to the second half of the year!

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Wokeness is Wrong: Now Available!


What is woke? The answer given typically depends on the party being asked the question. It is professed to be an awareness of struggle and grievance, or participation in the same; but it is also declared vacuous and malleable. Its proponents come in many forms- because the term has no central premise. In this work I argue that this is- at least insofar as the privileged champions of the concept go- absolutely purposeful and deliberate.

With this in mind herein I explore the actual functions of wokeness- that is, that which it does, that which it causes. In this manner, we can describe the phenomenon adequately and refute it while sidestepping any intellectually dishonest debate over its actual form- for the function will allow us to describe it, here in this work, based on thirteen premises, which mark the actual behavior of the woke, and of wokeness, on every level; legal, civil, intellectual, social, and behavioral.

27 pages.