Thursday, January 30, 2020

Jacobs Rod: Now Available!

This is a text in two parts; first a translated late 17th century work by Baritel, then an "addendum" (really its own short work) by the translator, regarding mesmeric and dowsing experiments by his wife and him and various energetic lore related to finding mines or water using a hazel rod or the use of "mesmeric passes."

The second text is oddly more fun than the first in this compiled work, but Baritels' own text is definitely worth a read, since it speaks at length on the concept of energized water among other arcane topics.

113 pages.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Fifteen Lectures on Medical Botany: Now Available!

The 1830s represent an interesting period in medical history in which the old mercury and leeches of the system of Galen were replaced by botanical and "simples"-based medical practice until the era of fully "rational" chemical and biological science began a half century later. The essential premise here is that former medical practice was dangerous (objectively true) and botanical treatment superior and more "godly" (debatable.) What I do not debate is that administering lobelia or capsicum is "probably" safer than dosing people up on mercury, antimony, or dangerously powerful emetics.

186 pages.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

The Lost Keys of Freemasonry: Now Available!

This is the second piece of literature ever crafted by Manly P Hall. It is a very good guide to the basic premise of Freemasonry- the symbolic tale of Hiram Abiff forms the basic symbolic core of its tenets, along with some other themes explored herein. It is notable that Hall was not a Mason at the time of writing this work but was apparently applauded by the order anyways, despite barely being an adult.

There is an interpretation of the fabled Emerald Tablet of Hermes here that is notable as well.

78 pages.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

The Initiates of the Flame: Now Available!

Manly P Hall is a fairly famous name in mysticism and was a prolific author, whose works were hashed around in various compilations and in stand-alone booklet form for a half century. This is his very first literary entry, penned when he was barely an adult, back during the roaring twenties.

It is essentially a broad work of philosophy and initiation and forms the backbone of his lifes' literary works- rendering everything to the occult, and to the overarching concept, we might say, of the great work itself. It is fully re-illustrated by our usual Rita Metzner, whose work can be seen here on her Instagram page. The symbols of Freemasonry and associated orders are, here, explained fairly fully, and it goes on to expound upon alchemy, among other topics. Highly recommended.

69 pages.

Myths and Legends of Flowers, Trees, Fruits, and Plants: Now Available!

This excellent book is full length and contains a laundry list of fascinating legend and folklore about botanical species- it specifically dwells a lot on Greco-Roman, Arthurian, and then modern (largely European, sometimes American) lore. It is of great interest noting how humans have lopsidedly created stories about some species so much more than others; the rose, the oak, and maize especially.

It's hard to single out a story that was my own favorite because there are so many; Saint Patrick of course comes to mind; the explanatory story of how he converted Ireland involves explaining the trinity using a shamrock as opposed to conversion by force (I like the fictional, botanical account better.)

266 pages.

Monday, January 13, 2020

A Call for Help on Amazon

Whether because they have shifted (hopefully temporarily) their algorithms on site related to search, or because of some sort of direct suppression of my content in the same, my paperback sales on Amazon collapsed on the 10th of January, with an over 50% reduction in total output. Digital sales have not seemingly been affected. This indicates a high chance of the former; Amazon has altered its algorithms for some search terms and some of my works have been buried beneath competitors which are more expensive, as Amazon prioritizes cash flow.

Sometimes you will have random days where sales drop precipitously, but never for three days running. Something is afoot. When things are afoot I don't get upset, I look for solutions.

Since Amazons algorithms are in part based on the ratings and reviews present on works, at this time, I ask everyone who has purchased any of my works to leave an honest rating and if possible a short review of the work. Kindly note (I'm talking to you, KDP staff!) I am not asking for fake reviews or for anyone to game the system; only those who have actually purchased my works, to take a few minutes to help out an entirely independent creator who has released over 260 distinct works on Amazon thus far.

To be clear this hurdle will not stop me from continuing the work of releasing more books- but it might cause me to look into additional literary avenues. As always, a main-line tech firms' own decisions hazard the loyalty of its creator base; Amazon has always had my support in part because it was so irreplaceable- but as we all know, profitability is a big basis for that determination. For me, even more, it is a spiritual quest to protect and expand occult knowledge.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Esoteric Buddhism: Now Available!

AP Sinnett is the author of this fascinating book- his probably most well known, and one of the better written.

The number of topics covered within it are vast but there are two especially which concern the modern occultist perhaps most of all; the treatment of nirvana, devachan, and the general concept of the afterlife and reincarnation cycle first and foremost, and second to it, a bit about the history of the central Buddha of Buddhism itself. Some of the concepts elaborated on by Sinnett were, here, for the first time, de-westernized, that is, understood in the sense that Easterners actually practiced Buddhism. On some other topics, the mark is missed, but the work itself is quite good.

The fervent absorption of Eastern lore not previously understood or in some cases even quantified by the European and American spheres had begun in fervor by the 1880s.

173 pages.

Monday, January 6, 2020

American Medicinal Leaves and Herbs: Now Available!

This interesting little work is another of the botanically important circulations produced at the dawn of the 20th century by the US Department of Agriculture- it is fully illustrated by Rita Metzner, whose Instagram you can see here. It lists over 30 species of note that grow within the region of the continental United States- mostly native plant life, with a few European garden escapees. The number of uses is quite large; from expectorants and purgatives to general balms. That is all secondary however as the work was mainly meant for farmers and rural dwellers to be able to identify and exploit species in order to prevent continued US reliance on imports of plant material which were used within a clinical setting as medicine in an era before modern standards and preparations.

67 pages.