Friday, April 15, 2016

Coming Soon: The Clavicles of Solomon

At long last I decided to begin the process of editing the Clavicles of Solomon, one of the most well known of all occult works, especially from its era.

The content is essentially a bit like the Little Albert- which is not a bad thing, except that the Little Albert is from the French cycle. It covers all of the usual folk magick suspects- obtaining love, and so forth, and often has similarities to some of these other works. It also contains a number of pentacles and other elaborate illustrations.

One problem I have encountered with some occult works (and this is no better illustrated than with the Clavicles here) is the prevalence of multiple variations upon each work- therefore there are about a half dozen recognizable variants of the same work containing different material. As I continue editing I may attempt to mesh the content of the two best versions of the work together, or I may indeed separately edit both since they are wildly different- different enough to stand as separate entities altogether.

This text refers to the person practicing the rituals as a conjurer- in other contemporary texts, exorcist, carcist, or sorcerer are all also used.

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