Sunday, July 10, 2016

A Work of Saturn: Now Available!

Isaac Hollandus delivers again with one of the better alchemical works I have read.

Largely revolving around the use of lead for medical purposes (something I cannot recommend!) "A Work of Saturn" is a bit less veiled and difficult to understand than most texts on alchemy- Hollandus fails on only one account, for while referring to the lead of the philosophers as antimony, the text describes a process which quite clearly involves rudimentary, normal lead- as in, the toxic element, which Hollandus unwisely recommends the alchemist taste in order to make sure the process is working.

It is essentially one long process for distilling powdered lead to make elixir- the resulting material (a red oil from a strange sort of compounded mineral deposit) is said by Hollandus to allow the projection (multiplication) of metals, as well as being used in dissolved and ingested form to cure all ailments, or injected into wounds to resolve infections.

30 pages.

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