Sunday, February 24, 2019

General Update: Phase Three of Editing, Re-editing Project, etc!

Alright literary world; time for an important update!

With "Mystic Will" released two days ago as of the time of this post, it is now time for a general cursory overview of what happens next; all of my works through the last were under spiritual contract of sorts and I not only met but exceeded my goal time-wise. This sets the stage for continual literary success; not a lot of people have catalogs of releases that extend to the size I have amassed and there's nowhere to go but up.

The first goal after the 200th edition was to clean up my work files; I had four folders scattered across my computer and more on several USB drives with vestigial half-completed projects, source files I already edited from, and random images and notes I'd written. It took the last two days to clean them up. Now, that step is complete.

The second goal is to immediately complete a couple of the partially-done projects such as "Diabology" and possibly the "Asuri Kalpa" to knock them out of the way and be able to put those files at long last into the "completed works" storage.

The third goal is to really scrape my way through my usual sources for material to edit from and try to grab a few dozen more works of note. I culled my source files from about 1,000 to 54 in total, removing overly long works, poorly formatted works, and works I am uninterested in. I want to make sure to still release works fairly regularly but it won't be nearly at the same rate as the last half a year or so.

The fourth goal is to get to re-editing a few of my releases, especially "Fruits of Eden" which I plan to have professionally re-illustrated, and will expand substantially, with a new foreword, one new section, and several dozen additional species entries now that I have so many herbal resources to draw from that I did not prior.

So it will be a busy half decade or so ahead. Cheers!

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