Thursday, July 22, 2021

101 Communist Jokes: Now Available!

I wrote this little booklet mostly for my own personal amusement, since communists and socialists hate being criticized. Originally I'd intended to just have 101 pages, each of which said "communism" (since communism is itself a joke.) I decided instead to lampoon 101 different figures, ideas, and aspects of leftism- ridiculing, for example, the dishonesty of "social democrats" (shy socialists), Xi Jinping (Winnie the Pooh), Karl Marx himself, etc. I have a rather dry sense of humor so if you're into one liners this one should be down your alley.

Recommended also as a conversation piece. Your leftist relatives might at first think it's jokes for communists, then get triggered, leading to massive guffaws.

30 pages.

1 comment:

  1. 101 Ways to offend my sister.

    How the weight of a mere handful of words from a little paperback book can cripple her communist composure.

    Thank you Tarl, you made her whinge and snarl.
