Friday, May 20, 2022

General Update: More Authored Works, Compilations, etc!

Alright everyone, I figure it's about time for a literary update for all of you assorted occultists, history buffs, and general clankers.

As I pointed out prior, I am taking a bit of a break from editing literature related to religion, spirituality, folklore, and allied themes. After having released 400 such works (all of which are linked here on this blog) I wanted to get to a few other long-planned projects.

First, I am now writing two short works; a text on Erroneous Occultism, which strives to warn against some of the potential abuses of those seeking truth, by charlatans and spiritual distractions. Second, a work elucidating the premise that the occult not only cannot support censorship and suppression of ideas and beliefs, but ought to be actively engaged in rebuffing such attempts. I deliver my comments on the subject from pragmatic, ethical, and spiritual backdrops.

After these works are released I do plan as well to create a couple more compilational works. I have not yet decided the exact topics to compile. This will take a bit of time since it requires a final proofreading of the work in addition to reformatting the entirety.

After that, I plan on continuing to edit more works, but I am very likely to simultaneously try and develop hardcover editions of all of my compiled works (once these final two or three are done) as well as re-editing a few of my older works and potentially expanding them and preparing them for hardcover release as well.

Clank on!

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