Monday, February 19, 2018

Valhalla, Myths of Norseland: Now Available!

I was looking around trying to find more works which involved paganism, especially Norse or Egyptian, to release over time, and some time ago I found about a dozen good works; this is one of them, just in time for that happy point in the year where the Fimbulwinter begins to decline away!

More a compilation than an authored work, its authors main contribution is its rather helpful index, as the preface she includes is a lengthy allusion to Christendom and the then-interesting facet of classical lore that people tended to ruminate on Rome and ignore the far north- a tendency now inverted today. It is a collection of twelve Norse tales, in poetic form, all the way up to Ragnarok and past it with the Regeneration. In this respect it is a standard collection, but an important one, especially for those who keep predicting Ragnarok literally and forgetting that it isn't the end of history, just of a cycle.

110 pages.

1 comment:

  1. Styx! What if the cash less society where cash do not work and "money" is turned on or OFF with a switch? Then if nefarious people crash the economy. Not just banks but trade. If people does not have money nothing gets off the shelf. No trade. Economy crashes. They turn of concervative youtubechannels, phone twitter etc. No communications, no food, no gas. No 7 million army for Trump to washington dc. They remove 45. 2020 electiontime a dem pushes the switch "money" comes back. Do you think he will be elected? Do a show on it, but be more elaborated. And please warn 45, please. Yes there is a reason i do not do it myself. In Sweden they just geared up the psyop on cash less society. Mars 6 swedens prime minister arrive in washington, give 45 a fighting chance. Inform him show the country that you are a patriot.
