Saturday, July 13, 2019

Gleanings of a Mystic: Now Available!

This book is a fairly comprehensive guide to the philosophical views of Heindel, of Rosicrucian renown. More a compiling of short essays than a single work, it was collected together posthumously, with subject material ranging from reincarnation and mortality, to initiation and enlightenment, as well as plenty of asides into the history of mankind and existence, Atlantis, and various post-Blavatsky lore involving the human race and its various cultural separations over time.

It's fairly easy to understand, not at all as dense as some contemporary works of the same basic subject material, and is therefore highly recommended for those intrigued by the Rosicrucians (or mysticism in general) but not yet fully versed in the same. It should be noted that the initial edition is far longer; I redacted about twenty pages of ads and blurbs about other works by the initial publisher as well as a (meaningless) index.

131 pages.

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