Saturday, March 10, 2018

Aryan Sun Myths: Now Available!

This work is one of the best academic treatments of religious history that I have encountered. It spans a dozen cultures and many centuries in its pages, going from Babylon, Egypt, and ancient India, up through Greece, Rome, and into the then-modern period of the late 19th century.

Most of the lore here is in the form of historical quotation from Tacitus, Pliny, Caesar, and others, or else notations regarding the similarity between epic poems and literal mythology and the then-accepted trappings and symbols of Christendom. Indeed, the imagery of twelve followers (disciples), halos, resurrection, virgin birth, and many more such tropes, are originally pagan, and any actual historical Jesus is in all likelihood lost to history, because the subsequent writings on this figure were an amalgamation of a half dozen solar cults.

134 pages.

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