Tuesday, October 11, 2016

A Blog Redesign and General Update!

At last it is time that my blog here has begun to grow out of its original format. I am actively planning the preliminary stages of acquiring a website to host my material (this blog will cross-link to it and the two operate in tandem using the benefits of both blogspot and my own website, which won't exist for some months to come.)

I have made a major decision in format for this blog; it doesn't make sense to have all of my works individually listed taking up precious space- it makes more sense to make a post and link it to a single tab for my own works. I have also decided that the rising number of quasi-academic materials I have edited (Aradia, Ophiolatreia, Chaldean Deluge, etc) should have their own category which will subsume a few of the works from two other categories; namely "spiritual works" and "folk magic and more" which will become just "folk magic" along with general occult folklore that was never academic in tone or style.

In happy update news, Sickness in Hell is on its final chapter and is almost done. I have also edited and am going to release Bacon's short but spectacular "The New Atlantis" which has several layers of spiritual meaning to it. Added to this will come the last three phallic series works, several more alchemical manuscripts, three more grimoires, and a slew of spiritual scriptures hopefully starting with the Kebra Negast which I mentioned previously.

I am also planning to write a series of short stories for release which will also later be compiled, as tends to happen with shorter materials.

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